Home Recording Studio Equipment

Home Recording Studio Equipment:

Deciding on the best home recording studio equipment will take some thought. Before you're actually at the check out line in your favorite music store, it's important that you do your homework. Take into consideration what you can afford and what kind of equipment you are looking for. Check out the web, trade magazines, or your local audio store to find the different pieces. If the equipment is on display, it would be wise to play with it and see if the feel suits you. Also, it is a good idea to talk to other people who already have the equipment and see what they think.

DAW -The Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) is piece of equipment that has greatly improved the recording industry. The DAW is a computer based hardware system that offers many production features such as multi-track recording, editing, midi and audio interfaces, support for plug in virtual instruments, mixdown capabilities, and much more.

The DAW is affordable and that's what makes it so great! There are different options when choosing a DAW. Start out by deciding if you will work on a PC or MAC. Some programs only work for Mac and some only for PC. You can also find a program that will work with both. Additionally, consider the needs of your particular project and your personal preferences. Additionally, ensure that you have sufficient ram and that your computer is fast and powerful enough for the tasks that you are going to take on.

SIAB - One piece of equipment you might want to consider getting is called a "Studio in a Box" or SIAB. The SIAB is affordable and simple to use. Fortunately, there's no need to be a computer whiz to use this system, just turn it on, get the basics down, and begin playing. This system is also portable; your not limited to your bedroom.

The units use little power and work on a battery, or you can hook them up to a solar panel. There are many choices of brands to choose from with the SIAB that are very affordable. SIABs can be purchased for under $1,000. A SIAB has 4, 8, or 16 tracks for you to choose from, depending on the unit. Manufacturers of SIAB systems include; Roland, Boss, Yamaha, Tascam, and Fostex.

Stand-alone -Some people prefer the stand-alone recorder which can range from about 1,000 to 2,000 dollars. If you go with the stand-alone option, you also need to buy a mixer and signal processor. Modern stand-alone recorders have helped to transform home studios. Beginning in the early 1990's, an increasing amount of hits came from these devices. Due to the additional equipment required with them, stand-alone models are becoming less utilized with home recordists. Be sure to check out the demos of each brand before you buy this product, as the output can vary slightly from model to model.

After deciding on a recorder, a great way to make your recording experience more exciting is to create a midi-intensive studio. Your midi-intensive studio can include a keyboard, synthesizer, sound module, or sampler. These are awesome to have because you can get drum sounds without having a live drummer.

After you get the basic equipment you need to start recording, all you have left to setup is a microphone, guitar, and any other instruments that you would like to record. Remember that there are endless possibilities in the types of equipment you can have. Start with the basics and let your studio grow to fit your needs.